ZenCode Language Specification


The ZenCode programming language is a general purpose programming language focused on the capability of being translated to various systems. This allows code to be written once and then used on a wide variety of platforms, including web (javascript), mobile (Android / iOS) and servers, with the ability for 3rd parties to write their own backend compiler. It is a high-level language and is focused on getting the job done efficiently. Although performance is considered important, clarity of coding has a higher priority: it is indended to be a practical language, easy to read and write, and easy to understand.

ZenCode can be used both as scripting language as well as module programming language, both with slightly different variations.

Compilation stages

ZenCode is compiled in a modular fashion. Multiple source files can be compiled into a module. This module may itself depend on other modules. Multiple modules can be compiled into a single target-dependant binary file.

A module is compiled in various stages:

The target-dependent steps may vary and depend entirely on the target compiler; developers are free to build their own target compiler as desired.

Lexical grammar

Each source file is interpreted as UTF-8 encoded file without Byte Order Mark (BOM). The lexical analyzer splits this source file into tokens.

Token types are specified by their respective regular expression. Two kinds of tokens exists: whitespace and non-whitespace tokens. Whitespace tokens are omitted during parsing but can be preserved separately (eg. to execute script instructions or to preserve comments and documentation components).

Whitespace tokens

The following whitespace token types exist:

Preprocessor instructions are treated as whitespace by the ZenCode compiler, but target environments may choose to process them. It is up to the target environment to choose how these are processed, the ZenCode language itself does not assign any meaning to these comments. Preprocessor comments starting with a double hash (## something) and an exclamation mark (#! something) are reserved for future ZenCode processing. Additionally, if a file starts with a comment #! it will be guaranteed to be ignored in any future versions of ZenCode (thus can be safely used to indicate the program to execute the script).

Preprocessor instructions, although treated as whitespace by the ZenCode compiler, should also only be used for preprocessors and not for comments. Using # for comments may result in undefined behavior.

Whitespace is generally ignored, though it can have a meaning inside bracket expressions and custom parsers.

Non-whitespace tokens

The following non-whitespace token types exist:

Integers and floating-point numbers may also have a suffix. The suffix may be one of the standard suffixes ('u', 'U', 'ul', 'UL', 'f', 'd') or a custom suffix. (see later for more information about custom suffixes)

Integers may also be prefixed with a base:

Additionally, integers and floating-point numbers may contain the _ character. These characters are ignored and can be used as separator to make long numbers more readable. Numbers cannot start with the _ character and neither can the digits after the comma. Thus the following are not valid numbers:

_1 (will be interpreted as an identifier)
1._2 (will be interpreted as 3 tokens, '1', '.', '_2')

However, the following are valid numbers:

100_000_ // OK, may end with underscore

Inside strings, escape sequences may be used. The following escape sequences exist in both single-quoted and double-quoted strings:

Named characters such as \© or \® are supported and make it easy to read and write commonly used special characters. The full list of named characters can be found here.

Strings and identifiers may be prefered by the @ character. An identifier prefixed by @ is indentical by the identifier without the prefix, with the only difference that they are not processed as keywords. Thus a variable that should be named "final" can then be named "@final" to prevent it from being interpreted as the final keyword. (this is also the recommended way to use variables which would be named as keywords, so don't precede or suffix them with underscores or anything like it...

The "$" identifier is special and has two possible meanings:

class MyClass {
	var _test: int;
	public set test {
		_test = $;

In case both may be applicable, the innermost definition will be used.

Identifiers starting with $ are reserved for future use.

A string literal prefixed by the @ character is interpreted as wysiwyg string. In such string, escape characters are not processed, but the ' or " character cannot occur. Also, these strings may span multiple lines.

For instance, the following wysiwyg strings are valid examples:

@"C:\Program Files\MyApplication"
@"INSERT INTO entities (key, value)
  VALUES (%1, %2)"

Certain identifiers are reserved as keywords. The following keywords are specified:


File grammar

A file may consist of one or more imports, zero or more declarations and zero or more statements. An empty file is a valid source file.

Import Definition Statement

Imports always import a single definition from a given package, and can optionally be renamed:

import . Identifier , Identifier as Identifier ;

If an import starts with a '.', it defines an import in the current module. It is also the only way to import a definition from another package in the same module.


A declaration can be a class, interface, struct, enum, variant or function . Although it is recommended to have a single declaration per file and to give the file the exact same name as its declaration, it is not required to do so.

Annotation public private internal extern abstract final protected implicit virtual ClassDeclaration InterfaceDeclaration EnumDeclaration AliasDeclaration FunctionDeclaration ExpansionDeclaration VariantDeclaration

Class declaration

Classes are reference types and may contain fields and any number of definition members.

Classes may extend a single superclass, but they don't have to.

class Identifier GenericParameters : Type { DeclarationMember }

Interface declaration

Interfaces are reference types and may contain any number of definition members. Members don't need implementations and are always assumed to be abstract. An implementation may be given for definition members, in which case it acts as default implementation; and they may also be declared final, in which case it cannot be implemented or overridden by implementations.

interface Identifier GenericParameters : Type , Type { DeclarationMember }

Enum declaration

Enums define a closed set of possible values. Two kinds of enums exist: object enums and value enums. Object enums are defined as a series of possible object values, whereas value enums define a possible set of values:

enum Identifier : Type { EnumValue , EnumValue , ; DeclarationMember }

Alias declaration

Type aliases can be used to create alternative names for types. The types are considered equivalent.

Type aliases are mostly useful in the following scenarios:

alias Identifier GenericParameters Type ;

Function declaration

Function definitions can be used to define functions which do not exist within the context of a surrounding class. They are mostly useful to define utility functions or helper functions inside scripts.

function Identifier FunctionHeader FunctionBody

Expansion declaration

Expansions can add type members (and interface implementations) to existing types. This makes it possible to add members to types even in other libraries. Expansions can be defined in libraries as well and will be available to any module that defines the expanding libraries as dependency.

expand GenericParameters Type { DeclarationMember }

Variant declaration

Variants are typed unions - that is, they are a collection of possible types, each of which may have its own set of fields. Variants are very useful in combination with match operators and switch statements.

variant Identifier GenericParameters { Identifier ( Type , Type ) ; }

Declaring class, interface and enum members

Classes, interfaces, structs and enums can define declaration members, which can be one of the following:

Annotation internal public private mut take abstract final static protected implicit extern override FieldDefinition ConstructorDefinition MethodDefinition SetterDefinition GetterDefinition ImplementationDefinition CallerDefinition IndexerDefinition OperatorDefinition CasterDefinition ContainsDefinition IteratorDefinition Declaration

Field definitions

Classes and strucs can have field members. Fields can be either final (val) or nonfinal (var) and may have a default value:

val var Identifier : Type { public internal protected private get set , public internal protected private get set = Expression ;

All fields are private and can only be accessed by methods of the given class or struct.

However, there is a shorthand syntax to automatically generate the getters and setters:

var myField: int { get, set };

These getters and setters are public by default, but can be mode protected or internal as well:

var myField: int { protected get }

Fields can only be modified if they are of the nonfinal (var) variant and the method that modifies them is marked mut. For any method not marked mut, the current object is essentially immutable.

For instance, the following would be fine:

class MyClass {
	var field: int = 0;
	mut increment() {

But the following examples won't compile:

class MyFaultyClassA {
	val field: int = 0;
	mut increment() {
		this.field++; // error: field is final

class MyFaultyClassB {
	var field: int = 0;
	increment() {
		this.field++; // error: increment is not mut

Constructor definitions

Classes can define any number of constructors:

this FunctionHeader FunctionBody

Method definitions

Getter definitions

Setter definitions

Implementation definitions

Caller definitions

Indexer definitions

Caster definitions

Operator definitions

Iterator definitions

Inner types


Annotation Expression ; BlockStatement ReturnStatement VarStatement IfStatement ForStatement DoWhileStatement WhileStatement ThrowStatement TryStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement SwitchStatement

Block statements

At any point where a statement is expected, a block statement can be used to group multiple statements:

{ Statement }

Return statements

Return expressions terminate execute of the current function or method and may optionally return a value:

return Expression ;

If a method is specified to return a value (that is, its return type is not void), then a return value must be specified. If the method does not return a value (its return type is void), it is not permitted to specify a return value.

Variable declarations

Variable declarations declare a single value and may optionally assign a default value to it. A variable may either be final (val) meaning that it cannot be modified after being assigned, or it can be nonfinal (var) meaning that it may be modified after initial assignment.

var val Identifier : Type = Expression ;

It is not required to initialize a val immediately, but there must be exactly one assignment:

val a: string;
a = "hello"; // OK

val b: string;
if condition {
	b = "x";
} else {
	b = "y";
println(b); // OK

val c: string;
if condition {
	c = "x";
c = "y"; // error: final variable may already be assigned a value

Variables must always have their type defined unambiguously. If the type could not be inferred, an error is generated.

val a = "hello"; // ok, type is string
val b = 0; // ok, type is int
val c = null; // error, type not clear here
var d = []; // error, what type of array are we declaring here?

If the variable type cannot be inferred, a type must be specified explicitly. If the variable is not immediately assigned a value, a type must be defined explicitly.

It is recommended to use val as much as possible. Most variables are only assigned once, and using val in those case makes it clear that the intent if the assignment is that this is the one and only assignment of this variable, and it will be clear to whoever is reading the code - most of the time, you and yourself - not to look any further for modifications of this variable.

On the other hand, a consistent use of val and var will also mean that if a variable is declared as a var, it is going to be modified somewhere - quite important when reading code.

As an added benefit, it also prevents you from accidentally modifying a variable you didn't intend to.

For loops

In ZenCode, all for loops are foreach loops, and use the following syntax:

for Identifier , Identifier in Expression Statement

For loops may loop over values or over keys and values in a list or dictionary:

val items = ["a", "b", "c"];
for item in items {
for index, item in items {
	println(index + ": " + item);

val dict = {a: "x", b: "y", c: "z"};
for key, value in dict {
	println(key + ": " + value);

If you need to loop over a range of integers, it is possible to do so by looping over a range:

for i in 0..10 {
	println(i); // prints 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

If you need any other kind of loop, it will need to be written as a do/while or while loop instead.

It is not possible to assign to loop variables, that is, they are equivalent to val declarations.

Do-while and while loops

For more flexible looping structures, traditional while and do/while loops are available.

while : Identifier Expression Statement do : Identifier Statement while Expression ;

While loops will repeat for as long as the given condition is valid, and will immediately stop if the condition resolves to false:

var i = 0;
while i < 10 {
	println("Iteration: " + i);

Do-while loops, instead, will always run at least once, and will repeat for as long as the given condition resolves to true:

var i = 0;
do {
	println("Iteration: " + i);
} while i < 10;

When using nested loops, loops can be named as well, making it possible to break or continue on an outer loop:

while:outer conditionA {
	while conditionB {
		if something
			continue outer;

do:outer {
	while conditionB {
		if something
			break outer;
} while conditionA

Throw statements

Throw statements can be used to raise an exception, which can later be caught with a try/catch statement:

throw Identifier ;
throw new NeverGoingToHappenException();

Switch statements

Switch statements may branch to a number of options depending on an integer, string or enum value:

switch Identifier { case Expression : default : Statement }
var option = 3;
switch option % 2 {
	case 0:
		println("even number");
	case 1:
		println("odd number");

It is illegal for a non-empty case to fall through to a next case, unless the last statement is continue:

var option = 4;
switch option {
	case 1: // OK, empty cases may fall through
	case 2:
	case 3:
	case 5:
	case 7:
		println("Prime number");
		// error, case must not fall through
	case 10:
		println("You entered ten");
		continue; // OK, can fall through
	case 4:
	case 6:
	case 8:
	case 9:
		println("Not a prime");
		println("Number too large");
		// break in the last case is not necessary

Break and continue statements

Continue statements can be used to skip execution of a loop:

continue Identifier ;

Likewise, break statements can be used to break out of a loop altogether:

break Identifier ;

Break and continue statement will be default skip or break the innermost loop or switch statement. If an outer loop or switch of a nested loop must be targeted instead, an identifier can be given which may denote a different loop. In the case of while or do/while loops, a label can be given; and in the case of a for loop, the name of the looping variable can be used instead. If multiple loop variables are present, any of the loop variable names can be used to target the loop:

var total = 0;
for a in [1, 2, 3] {
	for b in [4, 5, 6] {
		total += a * b;
		if total > 10:
			break a; // break out of the outer loop


Assignment operators

Ternary operator

Combinatorial expressions (&& and ||)

Combinatorial expressions can be used to either:

These expressions can be used to combine two conditions, to guard the right-hand side against a certain condition, or as a performance improvement preventing a possible costly expression to be resolved. It can also be used for null handling logic:

val x = 5;
if x >= 0 && x < 10 // combine two conditions
	println("x is within range");
if x < 0 || x >= 10
	println("x is out of range");

function foo(dictionary: int[string]) {
	val a = dictionary.get('something'); // type of a is int?
	val b = dictionary.get('something') || 0; // use 0 as default value here
	val c = a && a + 1; // guard against a being null; if a is null, this expression resolves to null

Logical and, or and xor

Comparison expressions

Contains (in)

Shift left and shift right

Addition, subtraction and concatenation

Multiplication, division and modulo

Unary operands: negation, inversion and bitwise inversion

Try expressions

Accessing members (fields and methods)

Null-safe operator ?.




Increment and decrement

Lambda expressions

Range expressions

Integer constants

Floating-point constants

String constants


This and super




Null, true, false

New expressions

Throw expressions

Panic expressions

Match expressions

Bracket expressions

Type inference in expressions

In many cases, the type of an expression can be inferred from its context. This can be used to resolve ambiguity in many cases and provides some additional benefits as well:

function a(items: byte[]) {
	... do something with items ...

val x = []; // error: could not infer array type
a([]); // works fine - we know that it's a byte array now
a([1, 2]); // also OK - the array will be a byte array now
var y = [1, 2]; // assumed to be an int array
a(y); // error, cannot cast an int array to an int array

val x: byte[] = []; // type of the expression inferred from the variable type

Expression types can be inferred from many sources:

Also, if the type is inferred to be an enum type, it is possible to specify the name of the enum constant directly without qualifying it. Thus the following is possible:

enum Animal {

val animal = Animal.Cat;
if animal in [Cat, Dog] // equivalent to [Animal.Cat, Animal.Dog]
	println("You can pet this");
if animal === Tiger
	println("Petting is not recommended");
println(match animal {
	Cat => "meow",
	Dog => "woof",
	Tiger = "MEOW"
